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About Daryl Beetner
Dr.Daryl G. Beetner
Missouri S&T Site Director, Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineer
125 Emerson Electric Company Hall
573-341-6203 |
Fields of Interest
Chip-Level EMC
System-Level EMC
Electronics detection and neutralization
CpE 111: Introduction to Computer Engineering
CpE 213: Digital Systems Design
CpE 214: Digital Systems Design Lab
CpE 318: Digital Systems Modeling
CpE311: Introduction to VLSI Design
EE371: Grounding and Shielding
CpE/EE 391 and CpE/EE 392: Senior Design
CpE411: Advanced VLSI Design
D.Sc.EE 1997, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
MSEE 1994, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
BSEE 1990, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
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